
Why RAD Teenagers Often Need Wilderness Therapy

BY Garret Bolthouse

Families with teenagers who have been diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) are often put into the position of living fearfully in their own home. Most of the families we serve in this situation have been so manipulated by their own child that they have trouble sorting out what’s true and what’s not. Hallmarks of […]

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Placing an 18 Year-Old In a Therapeutic Boarding School, Residential Treatment Center, or Wilderness Therapy Program

BY Garret Bolthouse

Finding a therapeutic boarding school, residential treatment center, or wilderness therapy program for a troubled 18 year-old is one of the most challenging and heartbreaking problems we see among the parents we serve, who usually have been watching their child spiral out of control for several years. At age 18, students have the legal right […]

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The Often Discouraging Challenge of Researching Therapeutic Boarding Schools on the Internet

BY Garret Bolthouse

If you’ve spent countless hours scouring the internet for an appropriate, effective therapeutic boarding school, residential treatment center or wilderness therapy program for your struggling teenager, you’re most likely either overwhelmed with information, incredibly confused, questioning whether you want to even place your child in a program due to the horror stories you’re reading, or […]

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7 Foundational Qualities We Look for In Therapeutic Boarding Schools, Residential Treatment Centers, and Wilderness Therapy Programs

BY Garret Bolthouse

With over 10 years of experience in the Therapeutic Boarding School, Residential Treatment Center, and Wilderness Therapy industry, we have seen some of the best programs in the country, as well as some of the worst. We have seen programs with strong leadership, well-organized staff and great programming, as well as programs with terrible leadership, […]

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The Holidays Can Bring Out The Worst In Struggling Teens

BY Garret Bolthouse

It’s Christmas Eve and you’re expecting your daughter home by 10PM, it’s 1AM and you haven’t gotten a phone call or a text from your teen. During her winter break, she has spent most of her time away from home, “hanging out” with friends, often late and continually beyond curfew. Her friends aren’t a positive […]

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Help! My Teenager is Out of Control!

BY Garret Bolthouse

Does your teenager seem to be out of control lately? Many of the families we serve wonder if their teen’s current behavior is normal or healthy for a teenager. The changes some families observe in their child occur seemingly overnight, while other families see a gradual decline every day, and, in many cases, families have […]

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What Value Does The Envoy Group Offer to Families?

BY Garret Bolthouse

The Envoy Group offers unique value to families who have reached the end of their ability to help their struggling teenager at home. We have over 10 years of experience in the therapeutic boarding school industry, and have helped nearly 50,000 families as of the writing of this article. We consider it our privilege to […]

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[Book Review] Helping Teens Who Cut by Dr. Michael Hollander, PhD

BY Garret Bolthouse

For parents, it can be an extremely fearful moment when they find out their teenager is harming their bodies, but most don’t understand why their child is participating in such self-destructive behavior, and are bewildered as to how to best help their child. Parents’ need for quick action and extreme measures can further exasperate a teen, causing deep stress and anxiety for the entire family.

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Therapeutic Boarding Schools Near Me — Should I Do It?

BY Garret Bolthouse

Parents often ask us if we can suggest therapeutic boarding school programs that are within a 1-2 hour drive from home. This can be a difficult task for us as there are only a small number of reputable programs in the country, and not all programs are necessarily built for the problems your teen may […]

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Testimonials & Comments from Families We have Served

  • "[My son] is making GREAT strides in learning how to work, be responsible, be respectful, and have a desire to do the right thing… I wanted to tell you what a positive experience our family has had."

  • "Let me just take a moment to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being willing to help... Anyone that understands at all is just such a blessing. Thank you."

  • "The spirit behind the work they do is so right on. I appreciate your services!"

  • "Thanks again for your immediate out reach. I loved the information you provided in the email and have had several organizations reach out to me."

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